A list of cities and towns I find “pedestrian-friendly.” Places in parentheses are cities in which I haven’t lived. These are listed in decreasing order of pedestrian-friendliness. In other words, I consider Fredericton and Paris to be more pedestrian-friendly than Chicago and Bloomington. Links are to my blogposts about these cities. I plan on submitting an entry per city.

  1. Fredericton, NB
  2. (Paris)
  3. Lausanne
  4. (Halifax)
  5. (Ann Arbor)
  6. Boston
  7. Northampton, MA
  8. Montreal
  9. (Geneva)
  10. Laval, Qc
  11. Bamako
  12. Nyon
  13. (Chicago)
  14. Bloomington, Indiana

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